Raw material

More about cultivation

From seed to isolation in 150 days

12 tonnes of biomass per hectare

Industrial hemp produces a large yield per hectare. It requires no pesticides and very little water.
Industrial hemp binds more carbon dioxide in the material than is disposed of during the entire manufacturing process.
With a process from seed to finished product in 150 days, we see the positive climate impact immediately. Together we can achieve our climate goals by 2030.

Cultivation and production in Skåne

At the moment, construction of a high-tech machinery park is underway in Staffanstorp in Skåne County.
The plant has the capacity to process approximately 37,000 tons of hemp per year with a potential to bind 72,000 tons of CO! 2eq per year (gross)

Our isolation binds between
12-18 tons of CO! 2 per ha

At End of Life, Ekolution hemp fiber insulation can be recycled to create new insulation.
100% Renewable

Do you want to become a hemp grower?

Talk to us to find out what it takes